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The families of our brave soldiers have practically been without their fathers and husbands at home for over a year and are fighting an equally tough battle on the home front, enabling their men to continue the battle on the front line.
Donate a gift of pure fun for them.

Saidel Jewish Baking Center's Channukah Baking Workshop is world famous.
A fabulous, meaningful and fun filled treat. Stepping back 2000 years into the Beit HaMikdash, preparing the special oil and lighting an authentic, life size Beit HaMikdash Menorah, making the original version of the donut - the Murbechet bread, in addition to frying Sefardi donuts - Sfinj. For ages 4-120.

Select a pre-defined donation option below, OR enter any amount of your choosing with the button below.

(Please Note: The payment will appear in your statement as "Showbread Intitute / Smile for Life").  

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